Our method
Water is not a commercial product like other goods, but a heritage that must be protected, defended and treated as such
Predictive planning
Visibility and management of life cycles and management costs of water components, labor and maintenance service providers. Forecast models of maintenance costs, on a half-yearly, annual and three-year basis. Modelling with aggregated vision by district or point, per element of the network.
Predictive modelling
Elaboration “modelling” of historical and flow and pressure (daily, weekly and monthly) of the various routes and nodes. Elaboration of predictive projections of detail (both for the flow rate and for the pressure) in the various time bands, on a daily, weekly and monthly basis of each section.
Smart Operations
Automatic management of pressure and flow adjustments for each route, based on predictive models, with a predictive range of 6 hours, constantly updated. Manual setting and control of the pressure and flow of water flows with the possibility of managing the operating parameters.

The Vision
Water is not a commercial product like other goods, but a heritage that must be protected, defended and treated as such. The CURATOR AQUARUM system aims to participate as a protagonist in the realization of a better and sustainable future in the area of water control and management services of the city, with particular attention to Public Administrations and Service Management Companies, for applications in the sub-zones in order to reduce water losses for drinking use, in Italy, Europe and the World.